1. Scholarship Grants

Following the assigned criteria, scholarship grants are awarded annually at Sigmund Freud University. Please note that an application is only possible during the respective application period (see PDFs).

Announcements and criteria:

Tel: +43 1 798 40 98 402
Email: ptw@sfu.ac.at

2. Scholarships for first-year students in the winter semester 2024/25 at SFU Linz

Would you like to apply for a scholarship for first-year students in the winter semester 2024/25 at SFU Linz? Please submit the following application documents:

Curriculum vitae

  • Proof of previous education

Letter of motivation

  • Why are you applying for a scholarship?
  • Why should you of all people be sponsored?
  • What do you hope to gain from a scholarship and your studies?
  • What are your goals?

Financing plan

  • Statement of costs and proof of income (household income)

Deadline: 18th Sept. 2024
Please send your application to leitung-ptw-linz@sfu.ac.at

Contact for questions:
Mag. Silke Ortner                    
Mail: silke.ortner@sfu.ac.at

External funding opportunities in Austria

Please note that the information provided under the links below is only available in German. 

Bildungsförderungsdatenbank | Wirtschaftskammern Österreich 

Förderungen Land Oberösterreich

Stipendien und Beihilfen Land Niederösterreich

Tax deductibility in Austria (Federal Ministry for Finance)
Bundesministerium für Finanzen