The degree programmes in psychotherapy science at SFU combine research and teaching, providing theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
The following programme is offered at Sigmund Freud University Linz (in German):
Bachelor Programme Psychotherapy Science
The Bachelor Programme is a foundation course, i.e. it teaches the basics of psychotherapy science. The course duration is six semesters. Upon successful completion, students earn the academic degree Bakkalaurea / Bakkalaureus der Psychotherapiewissenschaft (BA.pth.).
In addition, the following study programmes are offered at the SFU headquarter in Vienna:
Master Programme Psychotherapy Science
The Master Programme in psychotherapy science builds on the Bachelor programme and provides in-depth knowledge of theory, methodology, scientific and research methods and clinical competences. The course duration is four semesters. Upon successful completion, students earn the academic degree Magistra / Magister der Psychotherapiewissenschaft (Mag.pth.).
Doctoral Programme Psychotherapy Science
The Doctoral Programme in Psychotherapy Science is committed to methodological and research methodological pluralism. Empirical and hermeneutic papers – also in combination – as well as theoretical and historical papers can be written, including critical examination of existing research directions or schools. The duration of the programme is 6 semesters. The academic degree Doktorin / Doktor der Psychotherapiewissenschaft (Dr. scient. pth.) is awarded.
Study programmes in Psychotherapy Science in English
At SFU Vienna, the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programmes in Psychotherapy Science are offered in German and English.
Places of Implementation | Branches
In addition to the faculty’s headquarter in Vienna, you find departments of psychotherapy science in the places of implementation listed below. There the Bachelor and Master Degree Programmes in Psychotherapy Science are offered in the respective local language: